Thursday 6 August 2015

Children Locked Inside a Car on a Hot Day

So you’re planning to take your children on a road trip, or simply want to take them to the bank or grocery for a short errand. Whatever the reason for bringing them with you, make sure to stay close to your kids and NEVER leave them inside the family car. Leaving your kids locked inside a car on a hot day is like inviting disaster- you put their health and lives on the line, plus you may even face criminal charges for your negligence.

While no parent in his right mind will plans to leave their kids alone, emergencies and strange things can happen. There are published reports about how a mother forgotten about her kids while she was having her hair cut, and there are stories about kids getting locked because the father has misplaced the car key! Leaving them alone, whether by accident or plan, can have consequences on their health and well-being, which is something you don’t want to happen.

What can happen to kids that are locked inside a car?
There are inherent dangers involved when kids are locked for a considerable amount of time. In the United States alone, children face the danger of vehicle heat stroke, a serious health concern that every family should be aware of. According to No Heat Stroke website, there have been two deaths associated with heat stroke inside the car this year alone.

In 2014, there were at least 30 reported incidents of heat stroke among children that were left in cars. Note that the effect on children isn’t just physical- it can be emotional as well.

Responsible travel and driving

The danger is obvious when kids are locked in a car, so make it a point to think of their safety and wellbeing every time. Keep an eye on them when you are out for an errand. If you constantly misplace your keys, make sure you have a spare or have a local locksmith contact for an emergency task. And if possible, just don’t leave them alone- bring them with you, and let the kids enjoy their time out of the house!

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